About the website- "The Sapient Mind"
The Sapient Mind is a website which has contents on different topics, covering various blog niche like Lifestyle, Knowledge, Travel, Parenting, etc.The main aim of this website is to gather and share all kinds of information, experiences, knowledge, thoughts about people, places, products and perspectives. Explore the site and all that the author has to share through her writings.
It acts as a Life Coach for someone, who need a friend, philosopher or guide for any aspect of their life.
Write it to your Life Coach- The Sapient Mind - thesapientmind@gmail.com

About the author- "Jyoti J."
Jyoti J. is a blogger, content writer and the founder of The Sapient Mind website. She is a full-time IT professional, working as a Business Analyst & solution expert since 2009 and has gained several years of valuable experience in software industry. To pursue her passion for writing, The Sapient Mind platform has been created in year 2020.
The Sapient Mind is a passion filled project, which has been initiated to express her thoughts and knowledge on various topics, through her writing skills.
Also to help people, who are struggling with their thoughts in mind, and need someone who can listen to them and provide an unbiased advice/ guidance to reach a goal or solve their problem.